23/2/17: Provocations: No One Way To Be Asian In Australia

What is the danger in presenting a single story of a culture or group of people? How can we push back against cultural stereotypes and generalisations of what it means to grow up Asian in Australia?
Featuring Rebecca Lim, Alice Pung and Leanne Hall, ‘No One Way to be Asian in Australia’ will address the need for diversity rather than tokenism if we are to truly understand the experiences of those around us. Each of the writers brings a unique perspective to the discussion, pushing back against the idea that there is only one authentic Asian Australian story, and demonstrating the importance of listening to and embracing a wide range of voices.
The panel will be recorded and made available on the Stella Podcast, and the theme will be further explored in a series of guests posts on the Schools Blog, featuring Sanna Wei, Shu-Ling Chua and Rachel Ang.
Provocations: No One Way To Be Asian In Australia
When: Thursday 23 February 2017, 7.00pm–8.00pm
Where: Northcote High School, 19–25 St Georges Rd, Northcote
Price: Free, RSVP via TryBooking.
The Stella Schools Provocations provide online content to stimulate discussion and deepen understanding around a range of issues pertinent to young people and the society that they are growing up in and the particular challenges they face. Each provocation will be discussed by three writers at a launch panel, which will be recorded and made available through the Stella Podcast, and a series on the Schools Blog will further explore the theme. All resources will be made available on the Provocations page.
To stay up to date with the ongoing Provocations series, sign up to the Stella eNews.