Stella Stocking Stuffer from Mirandi Riwoe

As we get closer to the end of the year, Mirandi Riwoe is here with some Stella Stocking Stuffer ideas for those last-minute gifts!
Mirandi is a Brisbane-based writer. Her novella The Fish Girl was shortlisted for the 2018 Stella Prize and won Seizure’s Viva la Novella prize. Her work has appeared in Best Australian Stories, Review of Australian Fiction, Rex, Peril and Shibboleth and Other Stories, and she has received fellowships from the Queensland Literary Awards and Griffith Review. Mirandi has a PhD in Creative Writing and Literary Studies.
An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire
Shortlisted for the 2017 Stella Prize
The Natural Way of Things by Charlotte Wood
Winner of the 2016 Stella Prize
“An Isolated Incident is about a bartender’s grief when her sister is murdered, and The Natural Way of Things tells of a woman’s attempts to survive a misogynistic prison. Both books are absolutely gripping reads, but also remind us that society still has a way to go regarding how women are treated and perceived. Each of these feminist books explores the countless social injustices women continue to endure and, more chillingly, underscore how things might just worsen in the years to come.”
Learn more about Emily Maguire
Read about An Isolated Incident
Read the Stella Interview with Emily Maguire
Learn more about Charlotte Wood
Read about The Natural Way of Things
Listen to Charlotte Wood in conversation with Eimear McBride at the 2016 Melbourne Writers Festival
Boy, Lost: A Family Memoir by Kristina Olsson
Shortlisted for the 2014 Stella Prize
“It’s impossible to not be moved by Kristina Olsson’s memoir, Boy, Lost, which tells of her lost brother and the harmful effects of family secrets, shame and grief. The sheer beauty of Olsson’s prose enhances the experience of reading this thoughtful, sometimes harrowing, book.”
Learn more about Kristina Olsson
Read about Boy, Lost: A Family Memoir
Read the Stella Interview with Kristina Olsson
An Uncertain Grace by Krissy Kneen
Shortlisted for the 2018 Stella Prize
“An Uncertain Grace is an absorbing and thought-provoking novel in five parts set in the near future. Since reading this novel, I feel a twist of unease when I see technological advances reported in the news that relate to the possibilities depicted in An Uncertain Grace. Kneen tempers the disquieting elements of her novel with beauty, though, making for a compelling read. Kneen is a talented writer who has a stimulating, fascinating breadth of work.”
Learn more about Krissy Kneen
Read about An Uncertain Grace
Read the Stella interview with Krissy Kneen
The Golden Age by Joan London
Shortlisted for the 2015 Stella Prize
“Treat yourself by luxuriating in Joan London’s gorgeous prose and skilful story-telling. The Golden Age is about a boy, Frank Gold, and his time at a convalescent home for children in Perth in the 1950s. London weaves the stories of a host of characters effortlessly with historical details. You will thank me.”
Learn more about Joan London
Read about The Golden Age
Listen to Joan read from The Golden Age