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Jack of Hearts: QX11594 is a moving and unpretentious project by Dr Jackie Huggins AM and Ngaire Jarro that chronicles the life of their father, Jack Huggins.
By choosing to participate in – and not just stand witness to – events and then critiquing her reasons for doing so, Louisa Lim transgresses traditional expectations of journalism and forces the reader to consider the role journalism plays in shaping our understanding of the world. Indelible City is a vibrant international literary achievement.
In We Come With This Place, Debra Dank shares with us a life that is at once extraordinary and familiar. Dank’s words are lucid and beautiful. Her skill not only as a keen observer of her own life, but as a narrative builder and scholar of it, is obvious.
Randa Abdel-Fattah was inspired to write this book after a young Muslim boy told her that school was no longer “the one place he felt safe.” In this searing analysis of state incompetence and abuse, she weaves academic ideas with the real-life experiences of children of the 9-11 generation, both Muslim and other.
In marking out this space, free from the gaze of white Australia and the systems it has created, Another Day in the Colony creates its own borders and in this way it is brave, and free.
No Document is a longform poetic essay that considers the ways we might use an experience of grief to continue living, creating, and reimagining the world we live in with greater compassion and honour.
In writing Blueberries, Savage has uttered a challenge to the world to discard preconceptions about the form and structure of an essay or memoir, and to instead join her on a journey of experimentation that is fuelled by her strong, independent voice throughout.
Louise Milligan’s timely and incredibly important book canvasses the systematic and organised hounding of sexual abuse victims who seek justice in Australian courts.
Fathoms: the world in the whale is a haunting piece of narrative non-fiction that asks pertinent questions about how globalisation, consumption and our obsession with convenience is threatening the environment in connected and devastating ways.
Diving into Glass is a deeply moving journey across family, love, art, literature and loss. Lit throughout with brilliant prose, this book reveals a family on the brink. Set against the backdrop of mental illness and childhood trauma, it is also the journey of the hard-fought victories that signalled changes in legislation surrounding the conditions of people with disabilities.
“Jess Hill’s four-year investigation of the parlous numbers of domestic abuse in Australia is ground-breaking. She has ignited a nationwide debate on the causes and solutions to a devastating problem, garnering significant media attention.” – 2020 Stella Prize Judges
Paper Emperors is a definitive account of the origins of the newspaper industry in Australia, uncovering through meticulous research, the deals, dynastic intrigues and politicised government policy which has created the newspaper business we currently have.