Want the latest Stella Prize news?


Discover the latest Stella news, announcements, upcoming events, features, interviews and more.



Interview: Alice Pung – 2023 Stella Prize Chair of Judges

An interview with award-winning writer, and 2023 Stella Prize Chair of Judges, Alice Pung.


Introducing the 2023 Stella Prize Judging Panel

Stella is thrilled to introduce the 2023 Stella Prize Judging Panel, who together, will award the next Stella Prize winner.


Interview: Astrid Edwards – 2023 Stella Prize Judge

An interview with renowned bibliophile, writer, podcaster, and 2023 Stella Prize Judge, Astrid Edwards.


Interview: Beejay Silcox – 2023 Stella Prize Judge

An interview with writer, literary critic, and 2023 Stella Prize Judge, Beejay Silcox.


Interview: Jeff Sparrow – 2023 Stella Prize Judge

An interview with award-winning writer, editor, broadcaster, and 2023 Stella Prize Judge, Jeff Sparrow.


Interview: Alison Whittaker – 2023 Stella Prize Judge

An interview with award-winning Gomeroi poet, essayist, legal scholar, and 2023 Stella Prize Judge, Alison Whittaker.


The 2023 Stella Prize

General entries to the 2023 Stella Prize are now open.


Teaching Consent in Secondary School English

Join us at the Wheeler Centre to explore the intersections of literacy and consent, and the untapped potential of high school English to shape students’ experiences of power and consent. 


Evelyn Araluen’s 2022 Stella Prize Acceptance Speech

Watch, or read, the full transcript of Evelyn Araluen’s acceptance speech delivered at the tenth annual Stella Prize Award Night.


The Stella Prize is secured forever

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our supporters, we are proud to announce that Stella has reached its $3 million endowment target for the Stella Forever Fund.


Announcing the winner of the 2022 Stella Prize

Stella is delighted to announce Evelyn Araluen’s debut collection of prose and poetry, Dropbear, as the winner of the tenth annual Stella Prize.


The Stella Interviews: Evelyn Araluen

Find out more about the writing process and inspiration behind Evelyn Araluen’s Dropbear in an interview with the 2022 Stella Prize-winning author.