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Stella Executive Director to step down – May 2018

The Stella Prize is sad to announce that Executive Director Aviva Tuffield will be moving on from Stella after the 2018 cycle is completed, in May this year.


27/8/17: The Art of Life @ MWF [BOOKED OUT]

Why is art important to everyday life? At this Melbourne Writers Festival event, Elizabeth Kostova (The Shadow Land) and winner of the 2017 Stella Prize Heather Rose (The Museum of Modern Love) discuss the significance of art in their novels, as well as how the Balkan region informs their work.


29/8/17: Take Three Girls

YA superstars Cath Crowley, Simmone Howell and Fiona Wood explore the magic of female friendships in their new collaboration, Take Three Girls.


29/8/16: Stories for Everyone @ MWF Schools Program

Join Stella Schools Ambassadors Leanne Hall, Rebecca Lim and Stella Schools Program Coordinator, Bec Kavanagh, as they discuss identity and representation, and why diversity is important in the stories we read.


21/8/15: Stella at Melbourne Writers Festival: Stella Reviewing Masterclass

The Stella Reviewing Masterclass gives emerging reviewers the essential toolkit, covering tone, content, angles, editing, pitching and ethical issues.


22/8/15: Stella at Melbourne Writers Festival: Girls’ Books vs. Boys’ Books

Myke Bartlett, Danielle Binks and Sally Rippin explore how books can open up the world, rather than close it off along gender lines, in conversation with Bec Kavanagh.


23/8/15: Stella at Melbourne Writers Festival: WTF is Women’s Fiction?

What do people mean when they talk about ‘women’s fiction’? What are the stereotypes, and are they true? Is it an inherently dismissive term, or should we embrace it?


25/8/15: Clare Wright at the MWF Schools’ Program: We Are the Rebels

Think you know the Eureka Stockade story? Think again. With new research and historical perspectives, Clare Wright reveals how women were crucial to this pivotal moment in Australian democracy.


29/8/15: Stella at Melbourne Writers Festival: Historic Truths

There are many ways to tell stories about historical people and events. But what’s most effective: telling true stories or conveying genuine truths through fiction?


27/8/14: Stella Prize Schools Program @ MWF – Girls’ Books / Boy’s Books

A schools event for Years 7–8 with Kirsty Murray, Myke Bartlett and Bec Kavanagh.


30/8/14: Stella Lecture @ MWF: Clare Wright On Forgetting

Clare Wright will deliver the 2014 Stella Lecture, On Forgetting, at the Melbourne Writers Festival.


31/8/14: LitHop @ MWF – Stella Prize Spelling Bee