Write Up

In 2016, the Stella Schools Program launched Girls Write Up, an all-day festival for teens that teaches empowerment through writing and sharing stories; explores the relationship between language, gender and power; and examines the effects of unconscious bias on our sense of self. These events, which comprise a series of panels and workshops by an exciting and diverse range of writers and thinkers, have been attended by more than 650 young people across Victoria and NSW.
Write Up, part of the Read Up initiative presented by the Victorian State Government in partnership with the Stella Prize, explores these same ideas with specifically designed programs for smaller groups.
In this series of residential events, artists will work with young people who are outside of the traditional education system and who have experienced disadvantage, or struggle to access opportunities. Write Up will seek to foster confidence and a sense of belonging, and to equip participants with the skills and self-belief to share their own stories.
Write Up can be tailored to any specific themes or requirements of your group, and the amount of time available. A unique series of talks and workshops will be programmed to provoke and inspire – to elevate young people to a place where they can use language and their creative voices to reshape their worlds.
To find our more about Write Up, or to express interest in hosting a Write Up event, email us.