12/6/18: Alexis Wright and Evelyn Araluen @ QVWC

Join 2018 Stella Prize winner Alexis Wright and writer and researcher Evelyn Araluen for a special conversation about the process of recording and crafting history that is both intimate and national.
Alexis Wright won the 2018 Stella Prize for Tracker, a collective memoir of the charismatic Aboriginal leader, political thinker and entrepreneur Tracker Tilmouth. The book is as much a testament to the powerful role played by storytelling in contemporary Aboriginal life as it is to the legacy of an extraordinary man.
When: Tuesday 12 June, 6.00pm
Where: Queen Victoria Women’s Centre, The Victoria Room, Level 4, 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Cost: Free, but bookings are essential. Book your spot now.
You can listen to this conversation on the Queen Victoria Women’s Centre website now.